If you’re familiar with the on-premises version of SEP, and use Integrated Cyber Defense manager (ICDm), there’s no need to reinstall the agents. The Symantec agent, powered by our heuristic and award-winning engine, prevents the latest ransomware and malicious documents from wreaking havoc in your enterprise. The Symantec agent-used by SEP, SES Enterprise, and SES Complete-enhances Apple macOS security and provides enhancements such as device control, network firewall and intrusion prevention to block threats from compromising the endpoint.

That’s why Symantec is introducing new macOS agents-enhancing protection across these operating systems-with Symantec Endpoint Security Enterprise ( SESE) and Symantec Endpoint Security Complete ( SESC), 14.3 RU1. Now Macs-even those of BYOD origin-can enjoy the same robust protections available across other enterprise endpoints even in hybrid work environments. Managing Macs beyond firewalls, VPNs or other access control devices placed security teams in a bind when they were unprotected, unmanaged and unmonitored. The Mac is far from new to enterprises, but it has gained traction amid the rush to support employees working from anywhere.